Welcome to the BIG WORLD!

Hayes Tyler Hammack was born on August 7, 2016 at 9:43pm. He was 6lbs, 13oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He is absolutely perfect!


Skip to today, where he is almost 6 weeks old and we’re finally working on our sleeping schedule and I’m not crying at everything I do and I’m getting the hang of being a mom of 2 and figuring this whole newborn thing out again!

(start rant)Don’t listen to the people that say it’s easy. It’s not. It’s hard. It’s hard being a parent in general. My time is spent trying to determine who needs me more, Hayes or Avery. Last night I’m trying to finish cooking dinner with a screaming baby who wanted to be held and a 3 year old up my bum. As soon as I finished, I hurried and fixed Avery’s plate then made mine, picked up the screaming baby and began to eat my meal…in peace (kind of). About 5 bites in Avery announces she needs to poop. I get her to the restroom baby in tow and set back down to eat my meal, 3 bites later “she’s done and needs assistance”. I set the baby down and he begins whaling again, get Avery taken care of and tried to get her back to the table then to pick the baby back up and attempt to finish my meal. Avery let me quickly know she was done with dinner, even though she had taken 3 bites herself and the baby in my arms never settled down. I felt defeated. My hardworking husband walks through the door 5 minutes later and all I could do was cry. It’s not easy, nothing about parenting is easy. It takes a lot of patience, hard work and love to get me through a day. Whether you have 1 child or 12, excuse my language, you are a bad-ass mofo and I give you props.(end rant) Bless your heart if you just read that whole thing and bless mine for getting through it!

Anyway – here’s some pictures of my little guy with his proud and loving big sister!







2 thoughts on “Welcome to the BIG WORLD!

  1. Jenn, you can do this and yes being a mom is 2 full time jobs. Although it’s hard to see the light most of the time ,we see in the dark as tiring as it is ,but one thing I know at the end of the day when all is settled and we are looking down on them watching the sleep it’s the most beautiful rewarding thing because we know that we brought these beautiful babies in this world and they love us with there everything and to know they will always need us you got this baby girl.


  2. Hang in there sweetie! Parenting is hard and you are all adjusting! Try to get a bit of time for yourself and you know shave your legs and rest! haha I love you and I’m not far away if you need me!


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