Step Out

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been since October since I sat down to blog. I missed it. Alot has happened in 6 months. Avery can’t repeat every word you throw at her. I’ve had a come to Jesus within my self and Justin and I have decided to start saving our pennies to buy a house…someday.

Avery is 20 months old, ummmm… why didn’t anyone warn me these chillens grow like weeds and they get big and cute and only make me want another one. Then I remember how great I’ve been sleeping and I change my mind. But for real ya’ll, she’s like this little cute human that still does something different everyday, but with an attitude and sass and all. You sneeze and she says, “Bless you”….I can’t make this cute stuff up.

Can someone tell me how the heck to save money round here? Justin and I finally started saving to buy a house. Then we turn around and have to take right back out of savings. The struggle is real ya’ll. We don’t want anything too fancy, just something we can can grow in to (no I’m NOT pregnant) and call our own. Yes, I know sometimes it takes a while but like like the girl in Willy Wonka in the chocolate factory once told me, “I want a house, Daddy, I want a house right now” in my worst English accent.

Now, here I go on this awesome but sappy rant about the female body and crap. I’ve been really trying to step out of my comfort zone. I use to be a crazy wild child that did crazy stuff just to make my friends laugh. I’m still silly and love to laugh but after having Avery I’ve felt super self conscious about my body. Not only that but drinking and partying doesn’t sound appealing to me as hanging out with my best girl AJ. OMG, did I just grow up? I need to lose weight, I need to eat better, I need to eat better, I need to lose weight. I was thinking if I said both two times fast, it would happen overnight. I’ll tell you what happens when I wake up in the morning. (Fingers crossed it would be that easy). I’m tired, I’m a mom that works full time, comes home does dishes, cooks, bathes Avery, plays, gets her ready for bed so then maybe, just maybe I can have some daddy and mommy time, then wake up to do the same thing over again. Don’t get me wrong, Avery is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I just miss my old body and it’s metabolism, and my legs, I had nice calves. Now I just feel like a calf.

Anyway, I recently read watched an online tutorial about how to do your makeup using drugstore products (because let’s be honest, mama ain’t spending $40 on foundation) and had a come to Jesus with myself that I need to work on myself. That I deserve to work on myself. So gah darn it, yesterday, I tried the eye technique in the tutorial and felt great. Then today, I tried the foundation tutorial and blending technique and felt even better. It’s amazing how you feel with what little you change about yourself. So I’ve vowed to set my dusty treadmill up in our living room (sorry hubby) and get up at 5am each morning and walk or jog on it, 4-5 days a week. (You peoples hold me responsible…wait, is anyone there???) I’m tired of feeling down about my appearance, the only person that can actually change your mind set or your thinking is YOU. I know, I know, so much easier said than done. But since I’ve also vowed to start blogging again, I’ll track my progress. Opening up and doing something you don’t normally do or stepping out is sometimes the best medicine.

Be you. Be happy. Be pretty.

Wish me luck.
