Avery Jane is 1 YEAR!!!

So….I’ve been neglecting this post. My baby is 1 year. Where the heck did the time go? Where the heck did my newborn go? I’m not ready for my baby to grow up! Here’s some pictures of Avery on her BIRTHDAY. I hope you enjoy!

I hosted Avery’s 1st Birthday at our house on July 26 (her birthday is actually the 28th). The theme was “You are my Sunshine” with yellow and pink decorations. My old high school friend, Lauren made the cake! If anyone is looking for an awesome custom cake, be sure to reach out to me and I’ll connect you with Miss Lauren! She’s amazing (and so was the cake)!


These days taking some snap shots of Sweet Miss Jane is hard to do. (Notice the remote, keys and my phone to keep up the distraction with a tutu and a huge bow on her head).




Notice the bench and rocking chair I redid (clap your hands, I’m really proud of my alter ego, Crafty Cathy). Avery’s Aunt Shirley made this sweet pillow for her birthday. It’s so cute and even has the #1 on it!


Ok…GET READY TO SCREAM! Yes, these are the cutest pictures you’ve ever seen. The rest of the images below are courtesy of Avery’s Aunt Chrissy (Christel Grall Photography). Christel has been our family photographer since Avery was born (oh, and even before Avery made her debut). Christel is very patient with children and babies (even family pets). If you are looking for a photographer please message me for her info or look her up on her FB page 🙂




And last but not least, photos with Avery’s Mommy & Aunts 🙂


I’ll be posting a blog of her party and all the fancy details. Thanks for reading, hope ya’ll enjoyed!
