Son of a bench…

Avery’s 1st Birthday party is Saturday and I’ve been working hard to get our house in order and all cleaned up. I bought a bench months back that has storage which I thought would make a great you box in our living room. To be honest it was quite outdated to say it nicely.

Here’s the Bench before:


I sanded, primed, and painted THEN aged and sealed and it turned out amazing!

Here’s the after:


Once I finally got around to doing it, it probably took a total of 5 hours (spread over 4 nights of work). I’m so excited about my first shabby chic project and it actually turned out pretty great.

Have you ever redone furniture? Send me pics you crafty Cathy’s!


Avery Jane is 11 Months!

Avery Jane is 11 months old! Well, as of Saturday. I’m kinda late posting this month. I didn’t take my normal 54484561454 pictures, instead I just took a couple of action shots over the weekend. It’s so hard to keep her still these days. She’s pulling up on everything and I was lucky to get these few!

This evening as I rocked Avery to sleep, it sunk in that in less than a month little baby lover girl will be 1 year old. She cuddled me so tight tonight. Like she knew I needed it. Probably because I did, and I do. The fact is, once you have a baby you’re entire world changes. Your weekends out with friends turn into washing bottles, changing diapers, and going to bed at 9. Your “romance” consists of copping a feel on the way to the kitchen and your TV shows consist of Bubble Guppies, Dora the Explorer and Peppa Pig. Honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Look at this precious little 11 month old face. I hope to remember this face for the rest of my life the way it is today. The little hand that held tight to my shirt tonight needs me, depends on me. I’m her entire world…well along with her dad. Little does she know…she’s ours right back.  Anyway, enough sappiness. Here’s something to make you smile.


avery1  avery17

avery16  avery15

avery14 avery13


Happy 11 months Avery Jane. I love you to the moon. You’re the most amazing little being and I’m so blessed to be your mama. 
