The Rocking Chair

Soooooo…Avery inherited a rocking chair from her Great Aunt Shirley. It’s about 40 years old and oh so beautiful. I’m shabby chic’n it and wanted to take some before pictures of it. I put it against the wall to snap some pics and in runs Miss Selah (our good friends’ daughter) and jumps in it. She was just too precious. I immediately ran to the office to grab my camera, and started an impromptu photo shoot with this adorable 18 month old (aka Avery’s BFF). With the permission of her parents, I give you Miss Selah Magouirk…


selah1   selah2 selah3   selah4 selah6   selah7 selah8   selah9 selah10   selah11 selah12   selah13


Isn’t she just beautiful? Dylan will probably have a closet full of guns by time time she’s 16. Anywho…rocking chair blog post coming soon. Until then, enjoy this precious baby!


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