Avery’s Necklace

You wouldn’t believe how many people ask me about Avery’s necklace. Most say “Oh, she has a necklace, cute.” Thinking it has no meaning. I do love jewelry friends, but I wouldn’t just put my daughter in just anything.
Here’s Avery wearing her Baltic Amber Teething Necklace.
My sister in law was the first person I heard about trying the Amber necklace. Her daughter wore it for a long time. She liked it and kept me informed about it. So of course, I did my research and after Avery was born I purchased one.
Avery started wearing her necklace when she was about three months old and still wears it to this day. It’s never choked her, she doesn’t chew on it, nor does she mess with it. She just wears it.
If you’ve never heard what Amber can do…here’s what my research informed me of.
– Helps with inflamed red gums.
– Has calming, therapeutic properties
– Immune boosting properties
– Promotes longevity
– Enhances memory
– Alleviates stress
– Natural pain reliever
The necklace I purchased (link below) has a breakable clasp, so that it would break if it became too tight. Although, it’s recommend the child does not wear it at night, I only remove Avery’s when she bathes and to clean it.
When my mom first saw the necklace, she completely freaked out. “That necklace is going to strangle her.” Okay, maybe she didn’t say that but pretty close. My point is, everyone has different views on different things. Try things that are right for you and your baby. Make sure to always research and stay informed. This is just something I believe work for us and I will continue allowing her to wear it until she’s done teething.
Happy Teething.

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