Avery Jane is 10 Months!

It’s unreal that Avery will be 10 months old tomorrow. I took her 10 month pictures tonight! No, I’m no photographer, but I do like to take memories of this precious lover girl. Since it was rainy all day I couldn’t do these outside…so we opted for a before bed photo shoot. I wanted to capture the fact she can now stand, holding on to something of course. But GAH, those eyes, huh? ENJOY!










You don’t need Thanksgiving to be Thankful! I wanted to tell ya’ll about 10 things I’m thankful for in my life right now. Big and small. Silly and serious. Things you may not stop to think about and actually say your thankful for. But please know, I am. 

1. God. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the man up stairs. He’s got a plan for us all and I’m loving the one he’s chosen for me. I’m thankful for my faith and the relationship I have with him to help me through my struggles
2. Justin. My husband is my best friend. He works hard for our family and always makes sure we have everything we need. I’m thankful he’s been by my side for the past 3 years.
3. Avery. My daughter has taught me so much about being a mom. It’s the hardest most rewarding job on earth and I’m thankful was chosen to be her mother.
4. Laughter. I’m thankful for laughter. When I’m stressed or upset laughter brings me to a good place.
5. BBQ. Yes, I’m thankful for BBQ. I’m thankful for the deliciousness of the BBQ. The smell, the taste, the hanging out while it’s cooking. I love me some good BBQ.
6. Spark. The energy drink that keeps me on my toes throughout the week. Mango Strawberry Spark, you are my homie and for that I am thankful.
7. Family & Friends. I’m so thankful for my family and friends. Grateful even. They are always there for me at the drop of a dime. I’m grateful for their unselfishness to be there for me when their life is even upside down. I have the best of the best and I’m so thankful and blessed for each person in my life.
8. Curling Iron. I’m so thankful for my curling iron. I could be having the worst ever hair day and I curl my hair and boom. Fabulousness.
9. My job. I love my job. I’m thankful for my amazing boss for always being so good to me. My job isn’t an easy one, but I do enjoy it and am thankful for where it’s taken me.
10. Health. I’m thankful to be healthy and for my family’s health.
What are you thankful for?

My Birth Story

Everyone has their own birth story. I’ve decided to share mine. Get out yer readin’ glasses, it’s goin’ be a long one…

It was Saturday July 27, 2013, it was a typical day for a 36 week pregnant woman. I was so uncomfortable I couldn’t stand it. I was super tired that day and slept until about 1pm. I decided to take a shower and go next door to my in laws to see my sister in law who was visiting from North Carolina. I stayed not long and before I said my goodbyes to her and my niece (she was leaving the next day) she said, “I’m going to leave and you’re going to have that baby”…little did I know, she was right.
My best friend Kaycee was in town, she lives in Lampasas, and came over for the day. We we’re bored so we went to Sonic, got a chocolate shake no whip, extra chocolate (I know what I like) and drove around for a bit. I started having so I thought Braxton Hicks contractions and began getting even more uncomfortable so we headed back to my house. Miss Kaycee thinking I was probably in labor decided to start timing my contractions, which were irregular about 5-15 minutes apart. When we got back to my house I laid on the couch while Kaycee and I watched some TV (still timing my contractions) and I told her I wanted to go lay down and she wanted to journey to Target (her favorite place ever). Before she left, she said, “call me if anything happens.”
Before I laid down I told Justin I wasn’t feeling well and to come check on me in a little bit. I laid down but couldn’t go to sleep. I put the stop watch on my phone that helped me count my contractions (still not thinking I was in real labor). I would close my eyes and wake right back up every 10 or 20 minutes hitting my stop watch for 20 seconds – to 1 minute or so. I was so completely annoyed that I couldn’t go to sleep so I called Justin in to ask what I should do. He suggested I eat something and cooked me a pizza while thinking to call his mom. She came right over and suggested I call the doctor.
When you think of going in labor I always thought my water would break first, before anything and that’s how I know to go to the hospital. Well that didn’t happen so I didn’t think I was in labor. I’m not sure what I was thinking besides I was tried and my Braxton Hicks were getting more painful.
I called the doctor around 7:30 – 8:00pm. The nurse informed me I should come in and my Doctor was actually on call that night. She suggested I grab a towel and sit on it in case my water broke on the way to the hospital. EMBARRASSING! I didn’t want my water to break and it looked like I peed all over myself walking into the hospital. Well, in the mist of getting ready to go to the hospital I managed to call my mom and let her know what was going on and Justin’s mom helped us get ready to leave. I didn’t grab my bag thinking I was going to go in, they say it’s a false alarm and turn right back around.
I could tell Justin was so nervous on the way to the hospital. I was shaking, he was shaking and I remember it being such a long ride although there was no traffic and the hospital was about 5 minutes from our house. I called my mom, texted my sisters and managed to call Kaycee to tell her to stay in town a little while longer and I would call her shortly.
Speaking of Kaycee, she’s also Avery’s Godmother. She’s my best friend and I couldn’t image my life without her. She’s always there at the drop of a hat. When choosing Avery’s Godmother no other choice came to mind. She’s my person, as Meredith Grey would say. She gets me, she respects me and we can say anything to each other without hurting each other’s feelings. Isn’t that how every friendship should be? I thank God Kacyee is in my life and I’m so blessed she accepted her role as Avery’s Godmother.
We arrived at the hospital, the doors to go up were locked and this elderly man, who worked there wouldn’t let us up. I got a little lippy as I was in pain and couldn’t walk the entire hospital. He took me to the emergency side and told me I had to be checked in. Ummmm…well there was no one to be found at check in. So I asked the lady at the reception if someone could get me checked in quickly as I was told to go straight up to Labor & Delivery (as they couldn’t tell I was pregnant). She informed me to sit down and someone would be right with us, which we waited and no one came. I finally got upset and saw a familiar face, my brother in law’s brother, also named Justin saw me and got me a wheel chair and scooped me up and told me I could check in up stairs.
Shout out to Justin Rice, you rock guy! And no thanks to the lady who told me you need to wait to be checked in….Honey, I didn’t have time to wait.
I get upstairs and they took me to a room where they told me to change into a gown, they would get me checked in and monitored. One of the nurses came right in and checked me right away. She reported, “Oh, you’re dilated to a 4 or a 5, you’re going to have a baby tonight.”
I couldn’t believe her words. Uhhh, I still had 4 weeks left. She informed us since I was after 36 weeks pregnant they would not stop my labor. Ok…let me start informing people. I text my mom, sisters, in laws, Kaycee. Still shocked. She informed me she was getting me a room ready and would come for me shortly. Kaycee arrived right before I was walking to the room.
I got to the room and the nurse continued to ask me questions to check me in. My mom was on her way to the hospital and I was still in shock. Shock, excitement, worry, all the things you could think of to describe what I was about to experience were there.
Justin has a weak stomach to say the least so I was a little worried about how he would hold up through everything. When my mom got there I was revealed. She’s my MOMMY, she’s been there through everything in my entire life and I wasn’t about to let her go anywhere after she arrived. When the anesthesiologist arrived to give my epidural (the part I was most afraid over anything about), I asked my mom to be in the room, she would calm me down and Justin & Kaycee stepped into the waiting area.
EPIDURAL. Frightening word! I shook the whole entire time. Uncontrollably shaking. My nerves were out of this world. I seriously had the best anesthesiologist ever. I’m a sarcastic Jane and he totally made me feel comfortable and even made me laugh. I kept saying I was having a dance party and he sang “everybody put your hands up their playing my song” yes, he was singing Miley Cyrus and that is just what I needed, hunched over as far as I could go so he could insert the needle into my spine. I even dropped the F bomb, which was later told that was the first time he’s ever heard that and how he liked it! The man was awesome and I highly recommend him over at Cedar Park Regional Hospital. Holla.
I only felt a pinch, not too bad, not what I had ultimately imagined. Thank you sweet baby Jesus for watching me over my epidural and forgiving me for dropping the “F” bomb in front of my nurses and my mother.
Ok. Kaycee and Justin came back back in the room. Waiting game…well not long. I tried resting but that wasn’t happening. I was shaking from the epidural and nerves. My mom’s girlfriend Vickie arrived with my sister Heather to visit with me before the delivery. They were also champs and decided to wait until Avery was born (in the wee morning hours). My sister Tasha was headed to the beach and called to send me love and that she wishes she was there and would come visit just as soon as they returned. My sister Nikki (Tasha’s twin) who is in Korea with her husband and two sweet girls called so wishing she was by my side since it was finally my turn to become a mother. Tears streamed down my face as I spoke with each sister.
Meanwhile, Kaycee ran to Walmart to grab last minute needs as well as ran to the house to grab our bags and what we would need for our stay. I rested a little, but mostly was just worn out and excited. My doctor came in to say hello and would be in later when it was time for me to deliver. One thing I did learn is the doctor doesn’t come in until the last minute when you’re about to pop the baby out. It was my nurse who was in there while the pushing (which after birth, seems like the hardest part). I pushed for 50 minutes. Later, Justin told me my eyes looked like they were going to pop out of my head. They tell you put your butt down and push, breathe, count to 10 and then do it again. I was so worn. The nurse politely informed me that they were going to give me oxygen as she believed a cord may have been wrapped around her neck, or some body part cutting off little circulation.
Justin was such a trooper. He stayed on one side while mom my on the other. Holding my hands and my feet as I pushed our little girl out into this world. She arrived at 2:19am with so much hair! Avery Jane Hammack was 6lbs. 3oz and 18 1/2 inches long. And she was ours! The most beautiful sweetest thing I have ever seen and heard. She was AMAZING! While they cleaned her up, Justin ran to her and took pictures and described her to me. My mom stayed by my side and asked Justin if he was okay, then he sat for a minute, taking everything in. I held her first. I was so overwhelmed. It was as if I was high on a roller coaster about to plummet down. Adrenaline I guess you’d call it.
Love at first sight.
We had a few short moments with Avery and wanted Vickie, Heather and Kaycee to be able to come in, after I held and examined our beautiful girl, I handed her to her proud Daddy.
I’ve never seen him look so happy and comfortable. He was meant to be her daddy. He’s never held a baby that tiny, never, not even his niece or nephews. I was in awe.
In walks Kaycee, she looked at Avery and grasped, grabbed her mouth with both hands and completely lost it as did I for the first time, maybe coming down from my high. Seeing what she meant to her Godmother was so beautiful.
Heather and Vickie followed and couldn’t take their eyes off the precious baby.
After everyone left, they brought us into our room. Justin fell asleep quickly on the cot and I think I shut my eyes for maybe 20 minutes that night. I remember skyping with my sister Nikki. It was about 5:00 in the morning and I wanted to show off that precious little being. Afterwards, I just laid there and watched her. They kept her right next to me on one of those carts. I was afraid maybe if I fell asleep, I’d wake up and she wouldn’t be there or something would happen to her. I was a mother watching over her child, territorial and so in love.
A few hours later, calls, texts, Facebook messages flooded in. I couldn’t believe all the love and support we received. Visits from family and friends, home cooked meals in the hospital and the whole first week we were home. A special thank you to Vickie for chicken and dumplings, LeAnn for Lasagna, Kari for the homemade pizza, Clorissa for the pot pies, Aunt Shirley for the Swedish meatballs, Mom for the salad and Miss Randi for the king ranch chicken. Okay. I’m officially hungry. Please forgive me if I left anyone out.
Justin and I have seriously the most loving and giving family one could ask for. I would have lost my crap that first week if it wasn’t for Justin’s mom and my mom. Those two ladies were constantly helping, checking on me, making sure I was eating (which was tough) and to them I’m so grateful.
Thank you to EVERYONE that sent messages, visited and brought food. We appreciate every single one of you more than you know. Bringing home a new baby is tough, taking care of her is even harder. It’s the hardest most rewarding job on the planet and I’m loving every single minute of it.
ImagePhoto Cred: Complements of Christel Grall Photography.

Follow Your Arrow Wherever it Points.

I’m new to blogging. I like to read blogs and woke up one day (today) and decided I needed one. So here I am. I’m a mom. So mostly you’ll hear me gush over my sweet Avery Jane pictured below.


Anyway, I hope you all enjoy what I have coming! I hope you follow me and my arrows on my journey and the uh ohs through life.
